What Will Happen To My Pets After Installing Artificial Grass?
One major advantage of artificial grass for pets is that it is more durable and resistant to wear and tear than natural grass, which means that your pets won’t be able to dig holes or create unsightly brown spots in your lawn. Additionally, artificial grass is typically made from materials that are safe and non-toxic for pets, so you won’t have to worry about your furry friends ingesting harmful chemicals.
4 Things to Think about when it comes to Dogs and Pets and Artificial Grass
> It is OKAY for Dogs to pee and poop on artificial grass.
In fact, dog urine can turn “real” grass brown, and since most fake grass has a way to drain the urine because of holes in the material. If installed correctly it is a much cleaner and more durable situation.
My advice would be the following to keep your life simple. Train them to poop and pee in the same area. Pick up their poop quickly after they do their business. Hose off the area with water and make sure the area drains well and doesn’t collect a lot of water.
For tougher-to-clean situations wet down the area first, spray some organic type cleaner like a 1:1 Vinegar and Water ratio, then rinse off.
Better yet, wait for mother nature to rain and clean off these areas.
> Your furry friend will be so much cleaner when coming back into the house after being in a backyard with artificial grass.
Think about it! Dogs get dirty outside because they dig or track back dirt and mud from your lawn. Maybe there are grass clippings. That all comes back into your house. Even when it rains and your dog goes out to a synthetic grass backyard and plays, the worse case is you may have to dry off their paws when they come back in. But, no more mud being tracked back inside!
> Your dog will NOT be able to dig holes. Your dog will NOT be able to dig holes.
Your furry friend would have to work pretty hard, and will quickly be discouraged as synthetic grass is VERY durable. So, having a synthetic lawn will keep your dog from destroying a real lawn that takes so much money and time to get it nice and green.
> We do provide special synthetic grass that is made for setting up your very own beautiful "Petscape" that your animal and you will enjoy
When you call us please ask us about our Pet friendly products.